Mohamed in Norway Connected to Zanzibar as was that "son of a Goan Family" one of the "brothers" / Jathwalla ..who like so many went soon after "senior Cambridge" to the Land of Cambridge UK From there The young man went on to nearby NORWAY and married the young woman born and raised Norweigan .. Their Son wrote a Book anout his Dad.. who was seen as a Foreigner.. so easily distinguished from the NATIVES>> there. Hair Eye Color skin tone etc.. a clear identication of Gentic origins..
The St Joseph Convent Class of 1950- 51.. had many well known to all on these sites now telling the story Barbra Streisand sang
Global Goans can instantly track and trace their origins to a Village in Goa.. The Village of Assagao is near Calangute Biking distance ..nad gave us - " the grandchildren 1930 40 " Iona Pinto " Miss Bombay India 1960 and Yvette Pinto .(Karachi " amongst others lesser known whose "Moment in time" in the Limelight Spotlight Higlight but a the Nano second ..inthe History of The People of God.
It took a Nano second to take this picture... It was, is, adn always will be the "Moment".that produced this Photo that can be RE Produced ... a million copies if need be..
But not so the Person - taking the picture.
Not so The person in the Picture..
Most of all Not so the Mother who begged to have a "NICE" planned and pre- Pared for STUDIO PHOTO..
Mother ! ( God rest her soul) was not happy with The Photo taken at the Moment of the Crowning ( with Hand made paper roses) ...
the 19 year old appeared in the SUNDAY NATION May. 20 21 1961 So she insisted a "studio picture is needed"
I will send to KPZan the other picture taken that day (also posted before on other sites"..)
ReProduction can be made of Photos, Books, Objects, Fine China, Carpets, Painting Crystal Vases etc etc but as I say again ..
Not so "the person" the human being " the Soul " spirit heart of any Individual in any particular Family /household/ group.
Each human Being is a Person .."generated" by God ..The Creator - through Nature, Instinct, Human action, and desire of Nations..Ethnic Social Groups large enough to have a Visble Center or Club ! Starehe Raha Leo . English Club Sports Club ..
Now, in the 21st Century of Gen Z..
now, in a Medical Center, Clinic and Hospital with a Laboratory, in any MAJOR City in World, seen on the Globe we can see in our Office on a desk or standing free in our Living Room or College Classroom - Scientific INSTRUMENTS can and do take MATERIAL from any willing and able Male Person ( a Dad, a Son, uncle, friend, neighbor, Vounteer, College student etc ) and inject it surgically into a Petrie Dish where Microscopic "OVUM" "eggs" are being preserved after that have been taken from a woman, a female, sister, daughter, friend, college student or Noble Princess or Hollywood Star..!!....
Lo and Behold..when the time comes if Nature is kind - "fertilty" is fruitful the"results" can be FROZEN for the future..when and if someone needs that "Product" to be used in what is wrongfully term "Re Production." What will eventually grow into what the SUPREME Court USA ays is ...HMM... hard to say in Print.. epsecially on the Hospital Medical Records so just let us check the BOX ..with an "X" " " X MEN " will look, act, speak and think nothing like one "side"/ Party Gentic source MOTHER ! ..A Man grows from a BOY Men from Boys, Eh Men? Amen.
I got a "shock"..when I heard read and saw on TV someone being called OCTO MOM California 2000/2001?
NADIA Suleiman had "8" Potential Possible "more" of the same ..grown children aged 6-12..? after she did hope to get just one more after "Number 6" child. She had an Donor she knew- to donate the material needed - Donor chose and agreed to remain "UNidentified" as is so to this day I think. Nadia gave her 6 children her Father's SUR Name Last Name never relaizing how famous she would make her Dad. She no doubt it was no one's BIZ NIZ but her own. Yetit was scientists she trusted and Doctors to convince her that it would be rare to have just one More..or even Just One if she implanted all togther all remaining 8 Frozen Fertilized "product" ready for "Implantaion" !
Lo and behold the amzement to the Medical Scientists Doctors Nurses Lawyers and PRESS .. all 8 took on "Life" and now OCTOMOM who delivered all 8 tiny ones.. is now Mom of 8 20+ year olds 6 more 14 in all.. There is something Greater than Scientific Expertise..! or Scientific INTELLIGINCE SI ? Si Si S CI FI.. sells well in Block Buster Movies,.!
Wonders never cease -
Generation of life goes on GENERATION to GENEne- Ration... Life is indeed Rationed out by the Creator God/ Mungu according to his Will "Shauri" ..and pleasure. Hence we rejoice and are so happy to re tell adn tell again nad again that story of how we and Our Families came to be One with Our Own Favorite Heavenly People associated with Good OLD St Joseph !! His Ancestors and Descnedants are ours now - and we all delight in these tiny little ones as much as families do.. in any "Paradise".. even today !
or so it seems to this one Mama Mzee..!
On Friday, March 3, 2023 at 09:38:17 AM EST, John Desilva <> wrote:
Courtesy of Zanzibar & Oman website
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 3, 2023, at 9:25 AM, Mohamed Lodhi <> wrote:
From 1951 in Fumba, any familiar face ??
Thanks Benny !
I have always thought that a banner could be added ...DigitaltTech - can do this add to the banner not seen on my back..
GOAN WORLD so it would read
Miss Zanzibar - Goan World (or Goan Global) ....the GG's
Then anyone who likes us who were once the "GI Folks" can be added facing the Camera..and waving !!
How I would have liked to have that Banner and those flowers handmade by the Organizers..of the May Dance at The
ALL RACES Club.. ( YUP I represent ALL " Faces races" ....little bit of this that and .."the Other"
Roses on my head and those in my hands made by amazing crafters ..with exquiste talents ..they made and make still
Exquisite Cakes Dresses -- to match the best of Tailors Bakers Shoemakers Jewellers .
.We lacked nothing and Oh those fruits and fresh Fish... HMM HMM .......I try to forget .. till reminded..!
It has been so long and Mom is Gone but when asked many tomes.. to try she said she could not remember what she/they did with all my "stuff" ( stamp collection, my darling kitty, my Grace Kelly pictures the many dresses I had sewn ) and things like that ..never dreaming I would enver se them again.. after January 7 when I took off from the Old Terminal so nice to see that in a Photo again..
April 11 1964 PM my Pinto family .. Sailed away into the Night on The SS Seyyid Kalifa .( I would like to think) ... to go Further UP ..the Arab Coast ...further North West which connects to Malindi, to Lamu to Somalia and on to the HORN of Africa then HOP skip Jump Over to where the SUEZ ASrabian Sea surrounds The PORT of ADEN ..which is another way to spell EDEN
Home of the origial Paradise Garden .Book of genesis
.so I am told.. Obviously Just by " those "/ "others wanting to Compete with you Ben !
On Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 10:06:27 AM EST, 'bennydesouza' via kpzanzibar <> wrote:
Dear Hazel,
Seeing your photograph below and looking at those piercing eyes with that beautiful face, if you were in the UK, you would be selected to represent United Kingdom as 'Miss World".
Your photograph is added to your Web blog page which should be shared with all your global friends on our SJCSZ besides KPZ.
Folks please click on the link below and follow Our Zanzibar Miss World.
Best regards to all,
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